Giving Back

At Scott’s Tree Service, our commitment extends beyond just tree services. We believe in nurturing the community that has supported and trusted us throughout our journey. Every tree we cut doesn't just end its story; it begins a new chapter.

Instead of discarding the cut wood, we've taken a sustainable approach. We meticulously process and repurpose the wood, ensuring that every piece finds a meaningful use. From crafting furniture to providing firewood for those in need, the wood continues to serve a purpose.

We're proud to collaborate with local charities, schools, and community centers, donating processed wood where it can make a difference. Whether it's fueling a warm hearth during cold winters or becoming a part of a community project, our wood donations aim to touch lives and make a tangible impact.

Join us in our mission to give back. Together, we can create a cycle of sustainability and community support, one tree at a time.